Route Details

1. Route Summary
Route summary for 52KM - click here 
Route summary for 78KM - click here 
Route summary for 100KM - click here 
Route summary for 100Miles - click here 

2. All Download

Full route from Mapmyrun
52KM - click here 

78KM - click here 

100KM - click here 

100Miles - click here 

Start to CP1 (For all Categories)
Mapmyrun: click here 

CP1 to CP2 (For all Categories)
Mapmyrun: click here 

CP2 to CP3 (For all Categories)
Mapmyrun: click here 

CP3 to CP4 (Only for 78KM, 100KM and 100 Miles Categories)
Mapmyrun: clieck here 

CP4 to CP5(Only for 100KM and 100 Miles Categories)
Mapmyrun: click here 

CP5 to CP6 (Only for 100 Miles Categories)
Mapmyrun: click here 

CP6 to CP7 (Only for 100 Miles Categories)
Mapmyrun: click here 

CP7 To CP 8 (Only for 100 Miles Categories)
Mapmyrun: click here 

Start To CP 8
Mapmyrun: click here 

* They can be a different of 1-3KM depending in which path you take on your running. If we take corner in straight line, the distance will be less.
* Some GPS watch it work on vertical way and some base on topo so accuracy is subjective. 
* GPX/KML file can be download from mapmyrun link.
* Map stated only for out which from Start to CP8. For back it should use the same route. 
* We are not going to provide any hard copy map on event date. Please help to print/safe it in your phone/gps your own.
* You can explore more on the route by using below tools in MapMyRun Application.